The Story of Lotus

Hi, my name is Amy Johnson! I am a Montana native and grew up in this beautiful state. I have two incredible daughters, and the world's best husband. I have a big crush on Montana, chickens, volleyball and chips and salsa. In my free time I am hiking or running with our dogs or spending time with friends & family! I played college volleyball here in Montana and after I graduated I became very interested in how the body and skin operated. I honed in on a passion for laser technology and the skin-gut connection. All of it fascinates me, and I am always learning new modalities to offer my clients and community more.

I created Lotus for a lot of reasons. The main one being, to offer a place for everyone to come that wants a solution to problems with their skin, or issues they may have been dealing with for a while but have been nervous or intimidated to make the first call. Lotus is for everyone. Every ethnicity, background, shape, size, age. EVERYONE. I wanted to offer a private experience, tailored to each person. To make skin concerns educational with experience and a non-judgmental and fun atmosphere.

I started on this journey of the aesthetics industry in the dermatology field in 2010. I was a massage therapist prior to that for many years. When I entered the world of aesthetics I never looked back. I was hooked. Seeing on a daily basis a client walk in with a problem and questions and receive undivided attention with a solution and plan customized for them. Then leave with confidence, excitement and relief was gold! To help someone concentrically with their skin is like unlocking new potential from within for them. That's where the name Lotus came from… skin unfolds slowly and with proper care, attention and a little time, it blooms to its full potential, health and vitality. 

I do this because I love connecting with people. Honestly, I just love all human beings. And helping them with their skin is just a tool and skill I have developed over the years. I am so excited to meet you at Lotus!

Dr. James Verlanic, MD is Lotus’s medical director. A Montana native, originally from Anaconda. Received a degree from Montana State University in Cell Biology & Neuroscience, as well as, Ecology & Evolution, while playing football. He obtained his medical degree from the University of Nevada School of Medicine. He completed his General Surgery residency from the University of New Mexico. Has been practicing as a general surgeon at St. Peter's Health since 2020.

He and his wife Danielle have 5 kids and love being back in Montana. He enjoys all the Helena area has to offer, especially all the outdoor activities available.